Fruit Trees

Our Fruit Trees

We sell to wholesalers

Our family-owned business has been growing the best in edible fruit trees for five generations, with citrus trees being our specialty. You can find our products in regional nurseries and garden centers across the south.

Planting Instructions

Citrus makes great patio and indoor pot plants. Above 32°F, grow outside in full sun. When temperatures drop below 32°F, bring indoors until warmth returns next spring. While inside, decrease watering frequency and provide direct window sunlight.

When picking a spot to plant your new tree, choose a well-drained area that gets full sun.

Remove the plastic container. Pick a sunny high spot. Dig a hole wider but not deeper than the dirt ball on the tree. Place the tree in the hole so that the top of the ball is level with the ground. Fill the hole with soil until half full. Water until soil is saturated. Finished filling the hole with remaining soil and saturate with water again. Never cover bud union. Do not fertilize at the time of planting.

For best results, create a water-holding basin around the base of the tree. This water basin will help the tree get the water it needs.

Important Note! Do not overwater. Here are watering suggestions. For plants in a pot – water every 3 – 4 days. For plants that are in the ground – Approximately twice a week, depending on rainfall.

Apply fertilizer semiannually, March 1st and June 1st. Sprinkle a balance fertilizer (8-8-8 or 13-13-13) on top of ground from trunk outward to branches. Do not disturb ground around tree. Apply 2 lbs. first year and increase 2 lbs. each year. Do not exceed 10 lbs. Ex. 1st year – 2 lbs; 3rd year – 6 lbs.; etc.

Important Note! Once a tree is planted it is important to pull off all fruit that is produced by the tree for the 1st and 2nd years. By doing this the tree will focus all its energy into growth and you will have a larger healthier tree ready to give better fruit in later years.

Pruning is vital to creating a healthy fruit tree. Once the cold weather has ended, usually in the spring, the tree should have the limbs that drape to the ground trimmed. And any wild limbs that distract from the round shape of the tree can also be trimmed at this time.

After a few years when the tree has reached maturity, the inside branches of the tree should be thinned out to make room for growth and sunlight. 

Use the following pesticides when experiencing these symptoms:

Curly leaves caused by aphids, Malathion

Spots on leaves caused by white fly, mixture of Malathion and Oil-O-Cide

Holes in leaves caused by orange dog, Malathion

Yellow spots on leaves caused by red spider, use Kelthane or Oil-O-Cide

Stink bugs – use SEVIN by Garden Tech

Asian citrus psyllid – use MISTURE OF 55% Malathion Spray by Hi-Yield and Pest Out by Safegro

Citrus leaf miner – use Pest Out by Safegro

Spiderweb’s – caused by spider mite – Dawn dish soap and rise or Pest Out by Safegro

All citrus trees must be treated with a systemic drench prior to being sold. This is to prevent the Asian citrus psyllid from spreading that could turn into citrus greening. This treatment also kills any insect that feeds on the leaves (aphids, white flies, leaf miner).

These are just suggested pesticides and insecticides. Other brands can also be used: Bonide-All Season Horticultural & Dormant Spray Oil, Bonide Fruit Spray, Bonide Copper Fungicide, Monterey Citrus Leafminer Trap & Lure, Hi Yield Slug & Snail Bait, Fertilome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench



IN CASE OF FROST OR FREEZE WARNINGS – Plants can be covered with regular blankets.

Soil can be banked up to bottom limbs prior to winter in December and removed March 1st.

Plants in containers should be brought indoors

PLANTS AFFECTED BY A FREEZE – Some leaf drop can be expected. This should be temporary. Never prune trees until new growth starts back in late spring (April). At that time all cuts should be made at least 1/2″ below damage wood.

Warning! One of the greatest threats to our trees is from damage to the tree’s trunk. Be aware that the following can cause damaging cuts to the trunk of the tree that promotes infection and disease, which can cause death to your fruit tree.

  • Weed wacker or trimmer – this machine can cause cuts to the trunk of the tree and in some cases death to the tree from cutting off the trunk of the tree. When using a trimmer, stay at least 1 foot from the tree trunk.
  • Do not tie things to the trunk of the tree – for example: tying a rope, dog leash, or wire to the tree can cause cuts to the trunk of the tree.